Investing in a Smart Locks to Increase Your Home’s Value

30th March 2023

A smart lock is an increasingly popular home improvement choice for homeowners who are looking to increase the security of their property and add value to their homes. Smart locks offer added convenience features, such as automated door access, keyless entry, and remote control, while providing an extra layer of protection against intruders.

And because smart locks are designed with the latest technology, they can even help you increase the overall value of your home by providing potential buyers with the peace of mind that their new residence is secure.

Traditional vs Smart Lock

In comparison with a traditional door lock, smart locks offer additional layers of security that are difficult for burglars to breach. For starters, most smart locks feature advanced technology such as fingerprint entry to entry your home. Additionally, some smart locks also offer facial recognition technology which adds an extra level of security for homeowners who want total peace of mind when it comes to protecting their property from unwelcome guests.

Traditional door lock, Neon Entrance Set - Polished Stainless Steel


Smart Lock, Lemaar Rectangle Smart Lock

Smart locks don’t just provide you with enhanced safety --- they also make life more convenient when it comes to entering and exiting your home. With just a few taps on an app on your smartphone or tablet device, you can open and close your door remotely and send electronic keys (or provide temporary access) to family members or friends who need access to your house while you’re away. Some model doors can also be automatically locked after a certain period of time since they have been opened - providing yet another layer of security against intruders.

Smart Locks Add Value to Homes

When it comes time to sell your house, having a modern smart lock system installed can significantly increase its value. Potential buyers know that they’ll have the latest security measures included in the purchase price, making them feel more comfortable about buying property. Plus they’ll enjoy all the convenience and benefits that come with having a connected home device such as remote access control, automated locking/unlocking schedules, sharing virtual keys etc. As such, investing in one (or multiple) high-quality smart locks for your home could be one of the best investments you make when it comes time to put it on the market.

In conclusion, investing in a high-tech smart lock system not only boosts your own personal security but also adds real financial value to your house.

Lemaar offers a complete solution in door hardware for residential and commercial applications. If you’re in the trade and would like to connect with our Commercial Projects team please email your query or plans to Lemaar is Australian owned and we design all door handles in Australia to meet the local trends and demand for quality and for easy installation.

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